Friday, January 28, 2011

Out of Nowhere

I am not getting any younger. 3 months from now, I will be turning 20. Suddenly, I just thought of making myself a list of 20 things that I should experience or do before turning into 21. I realized that at the age of 20, I just only experinced a few things. I think that I should be more outgoing and just ENJOY LIFE! As of now, I just only have a few in mind.

1. go to Singapore
2. go to Shanghai (or any place in China)
3. try wind surfing/ wakeboarding
4. learn to play piano
5. learn to cook (go to a cooking class)
6. have an official training in badminton

P.S. If you have some things that you would lile tp share and you think that I should try it (because it is worth a try), you may leave a comment. I will really appreciate it. Thank you.

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